Does the happiness of others make you happy? Well, according to a recent study, it makes most people sad.

This study, conducted by Utah Valley University, found that the cheerful photos our friends post on Facebook leads to dissatisfaction with our own life. In other words, we think everyone else has it better than we do.

When a friend posts vacation photos are you instantly filled with jealously? Do you measure your life against the standard of Facebook and come up short? That’s exactly what this study has determined.

There is a simple reason for this, most people’s lives are out of focus. They depend on the wrong things to make them happy. Entertainment, vacations, and “good times” are the scales upon which most weigh contentment.

There’s nothing wrong with having fun. We need down-time to be healthy spiritually and physically. Society tells us, however, that play-time is all the time and if we aren’t immersed in pleasure 24 hours a day, we are missing out. It’s society that’s missing out.

True joy is realized in the simple experiences of life. If we look in the right places, we will find the ultimate in mirth and satisfaction. Here are 6 Paths to Happiness:

  1. God. We must look to our creator for our delight. Contemplate His love that fills yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Focus on your final destination, not your next vacation destination. 
  2. Others. I know this is contrary to the study, but we need to rejoice when others rejoice. It’s a healthy, supportive way of facing the good fortunes of our friends. Share in the happiness of your friends. Watch their home movies, look at their pictures, listen to their stories, and treasure their smiles.
  3. Service. There’s no greater love than service. Shower blessings on those in need and your flood of discontentment will evaporate. Besides, when you stop focusing on yourself, you will see through someone else’s eyes. This will result in a better perspective of your life’s condition.
  4. Nature. Take a walk in the cold, watch the sun rise and set in the same day, chase a squirrel, play in the rain… get outside and frolic on God’s playground. Take the time to behold His creation with awe and wonder.
  5. Books. Read for inspiration, education, and fascination. Start with the most important one, the Bible, it’s filled with encouragement and hope. Allow His word to guide your life. You should also broaden your knowledge through reading. Learn about a new skill, language, or culture. Challenge yourself and grow in the process. A dose of fiction is also beneficial. Exercise your imagination by traveling to places you can only see in your mind. Explore characters and situations in far off lands. Take time to escape and enjoy the round trip journey.
  6. Meditation. Turn off all external stimulation. No music, no TV, no kids. Sit and enjoy the quiet. Contemplate your life and your stewardship. Center your life and aim in the right direction.

Now, post pictures of these adventures to Facebook. Encourage others to attain happiness through the important things in life.

What is your path to happiness?

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