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The 1213 Challenge-The Power of X_Web2

Taking The 12 X 13 Challenge is simple. Challenge yourself to give up one fast food meal a month for one year and use that $13 to support Christians in need.
Just 12 monthly payments of $13 will:

•Help a family avoid foreclosure
•Help an orphan find a loving Christian home
•Help a seriously ill person pay medical bills

 It’s a small sacrifice that multiplies with the Power of X.

12 X $13 = $156

Then, invite your friends and family to take the 12 X 13 Challenge.
The more people that you get involved the more you can truly Feel the Power of X.

1 Challenger = $156
10 Challengers = $1,560
100 Challengers = $15,600
1,000 Challengers = $156,000
10,000 Challengers = $1,560,000

It all starts with $13 from you. Make a big difference in the lives of NEEDY CHRISTIANS with an affordable monthly donation.

Just click the “Subscribe” link below to be taken to our secure PayPal donation page.

Sign up today and Feel The Power of X!


Prefer to give by mail? Click here to download the form.
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